This is an old Devels Horse Dancer Sinker. The sinking lure used larger hooks and the large floppy spinners to allow it to slowly sink. The floating lure used smaller hooks and the small spinners. This lure is in Chinquapin Bream. 1953 - 1958

The wood body is 3" long and it has pointed spinners front and rear. It also has two hooks. This bait was produced from about 1958 to 1959 as best I can tell. It is stamped DEVELS Horse Dancer.Color: Yellow and White. This bait has the split ring on the line tie. 1953 - 1958

The top lure is the regular S-700 Dancer Sinker. It has a fat body, heavy hooks and pointed spinners. It shows up in the charts for 1953 and 1958. Bottom Lure: In 1960 keeps the same number, S-700 but the lure changes. It is now skinny, smaller hooks and bow tie spinner's. It only lasts one year. By 1961 they no longer offer a Sinking Dancer.